Help! How Do I Handle My Mom’s Disappointment?
Hey everyone,
I really need some advice on a family issue that’s been bugging me. So, my mom, Teresa, is always expecting my siblings and me to visit her. She gets super excited and prepares everything, but sometimes we just can’t make it. The other day, she said to my sister, “Przepraszam, Basiu. Spodziewałam się innych gości. Nie obrażaj się,” which basically means, “Sorry, Basia. I was expecting other guests. Don’t be offended.” It broke my heart because I know she was really looking forward to seeing us.
I get that she’s lonely and misses us, but we all have our own lives and commitments. Jerry has a demanding job, John is always traveling for work, Frank has a young family to take care of, and I’m juggling my own stuff too. Victoria and Penelope live out of town, and Ruby is still in school. It’s not that we don’t want to see her; it’s just hard to coordinate sometimes.
How do I explain this to her without making her feel like we’re neglecting her? I don’t want her to feel unimportant or unloved. Have any of you been in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Any tips on how to make her feel more included even when we can’t be there physically?
Thanks a ton!