But then, the rules came. One evening, visiting unannounced, I found a list on the fridge titled “House Rules.” It included things like “No visits after 8 PM,” “Consult before any alterations,” and “Weekends are strictly our alone time.” I was stunned. This was still my property, and I felt like a stranger being dictated terms in my own apartment

But then, the rules came. One evening, visiting unannounced, I found a list on the fridge titled “House Rules.” It included things like “No visits after 8 PM,” “Consult before any alterations,” and “Weekends are strictly our alone time.” I was stunned. This was still my property, and I felt like a stranger being dictated terms in my own apartment

I allowed my son and his wife to move into my apartment during a tough time in their lives, but they began to impose their own rules. I won’t allow this, as it’s my apartment, so things will go my way. My son decided to marry before he had even finished his studies. I tried to convince him not to make such a hasty decision, telling him that